Friday, June 25, 2010

Have you wondered what is going on in the sky? An eclipse is coming your way!

by Rocio Morales

Some Sundays have a better appealing than the others. For many of us it is a time to relax, and enjoy family and friends. It is also time to start thinking on Monday and all that is around the beginning of the week.

Last Sunday I was excited. After what seemed like a long time, I was ready to connect with my group on a Telesanga. It is the opportunity to listen to my Spiritual guide (Guru) Enoch Dasa Giri, the thought of what he was going to say was in my mind all day.

His message was clear, and as a good Guide he talked about events that are coming our way and how to prepare to face those challenges.

As you may know, Yoga and Astrology are very connected in some traditions more than in others. The reason? for the yogi and astrologer, life is cyclical.
In the same way seasons come and go, events that happened to you when you were for instance, 7, 12, or 28 can determine to some extend what you can expect in the future.
Yogis in their core are "spiritual scientists"; we observe, reflect and hopefully learn form he past to prepare for the future.

When I read a chart for a friend ( I am still pretty much a student on this area), it is always interesting to sense what is the best way to deliver the message found in the natal chart, transits and progressions. Some people just want to hear what pleases the ego and others want to hear it all!
There are few that though they want to know everything, they also feel powerless in the face of the challenges delineated on the chart and don't want to hear about negative events coming their way.
In my humble opinion, they miss to recognize that knowing the future will give us tools to change it, to prepare and to learn how to respond to those events.

Well, the message was about aspects that slow moving planets are forming in the sky right now. The effect depends on how each of our natal chart is delineating and the experiences we are going through.

Here are some of those aspects and a brief explanation to each of them.

* Not too long ago (January 26, 2008) the symbol of transformation (Pluto) went into a new sign (Capricorn); in a nutshell all the structures in your life will change, what doesn't work any more will be hard to maintain, what is weak will crumble opening a space to rebuild. It is the symbol of the Phoenix that sours from its own ashes. To do that a lot of subconscious forces will emerge. For some astrologer the strength of this planet will be seen when Pluto goes into the first decanate (10 degrees or more in Capricorn).

* In June 26, 2010 there will be a Lunar Eclipse, in the words of Linda Sprague's "On June 26 the Lunar Eclipse brings the Moon in Capricorn into a tight conjunction with intense/powerful Pluto. This Full Moon eclipse is forming a Grand Square with the Sun and others planets. Think of a square box. The Sun and Mercury (in Cancer) are one point on the box. Saturn (retrograde in late Pisces) is another point. Jupiter and Uranus (conjunct in Aries) the third point. The Moon exactly conjunct Pluto is the fourth point. We are sitting inside a big heavenly box with tons of pressure and it feels like we can’t get out of it. Fortunately Jupiter and Uranus moved into energetic Aries a few weeks ago. We can get out of this enclosure. The trick is to be innovative and to think out of the box."
Click here to go to NASA's website on information about this event.

* In July 22, 2010 the disciplinarian, hard teacher, builder of structures (Saturn) will move into Libra and stay there for 2 years or so. This will bring conflict between our desire to keep living the way we have and the new energy that will move us to clean up and rebuild.

* To make things interesting, the symbol of sudden changes, rebellion and creativity (Uranus) moved into Aries on May 28, 2010, marking a time of tension and inner search. Last time Pluto and Uranus formed a square was 40 years ago, when the 60s where ending. It will offer challenges to authorities that will find a lot of opposition releasing tremendous energy.

* Jupiter also moved into Aries on June 7, 2010. Bringing good energy to start new enterprises, innovations and new ideas to improve life.

* The last aspect will be Neptune moving into Pisces on February 4, 2012. Neptune is related with mysterious conditions, secret affairs, and the ocean. It is also related to deception/ self-deception and over-indulgence. It gives the opportunity to attune to higher vibrations.

Neptune stays in every sign around 13 years.; Jupiter 1year, Uranus 7 years; Saturn 2.5 years; and Pluto 20 years.

Interestingly all the slower moving planets will have a play in the following years.

What did the master advice?

a) Take a moment to review your own chart and see where those planets are and the interaction with them. If you have your exact birth time, date and place you can get it in many websites.

b) Regardless of what life brings to you, keep performing an spiritual practice. If you don't have one, learn a couple until you find the one that is right to you.

c) Build merit. Recognize that we are here not to be served but to served not only our fellow man, but all the beings that are living around us and Nature in general. What can you do within your means to improve the life of those around you? do it and find joy serving!

This is a great time to unfold, ask questions and find your spiritual path and place in the Universe, good luck!!

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