Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where are the Yoga Warriors?

It seems like an oxymoron phrase, yoga is balance, quietude and tranquility. Warrior on the other hand brings to mind passion, fervency, energy and even anger. Nevertheless after meditating on it and latest experiences I think both can be reconciled.

As you may know life brings challenges in front of you that if you are willing to overcome, can bring the most amazing rewards.

Not too long ago I received a request for a class. It wasn't a class I felt confident in teaching though the challenge seemed interesting. It was the opportunity to teach a class for people with MS (Multiple Sclerosis).
Teaching gentle classes wasn't alien for me, however this type of class would require all my skills and willingness to study and learn more about this disease.
I was open and honest with the ladies and told them I had no previous experience but consider an honor to teach them if they were willing to give me this opportunity.

After six weeks I have to say this has been a very special experience. As usually happens, the teacher is transformed by the students willingness to try different things and explore the limits of what their body can do.

MS is a chronic, inflammatory condition that can cause an array of debilitating symptoms including fatigue, vision problems and even paralysis.

Some of my students in this group were diagnosed 20 years ago and others, just recently.
They are an amazing group of women that come together once a week to support each other and stretch their bodies the best they can. We use support during the poses to keep them safe and stable as balance can be compromised with this disease.

Being a witness of the fortitude of the human spirit is amazing. They don't complain, always willing to try a pose to see how their bodies feel and helping one another constantly. Couple of them have been practicing yoga for the last 8 years and have noticed the benefits that a yoga practice can have not only in the body but also as a way to slow down the recurrence recurrence of the episodes. Gentle inversions, forward bends and twists are great ways to move the spine and keep the nervous system and muscles active. The relaxation (Savasana) part of the class helps the students to learn ways to cope with frustration, sadness, and depression.

So where are the yoga warriors? They are in classes like this one where being passive and feeling hopeless would be the easy way out, but instead they show up to class, they participate to the best of their abilities and keep a big smile in their faces.
They are the true yoga warriors, individuals that don't don't surrender in font of adversity.
In one of the classes sharing these thoughts with them, one of them said, "I think we are OK, there are worst things we could have..."
Rocio Morales

Bird photo: Painted Bunting,courtesy of Julia Land, a yogini in the MS class. Click on the link to see more beautiful bird's pictures:

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