Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yoga Sanga First Anniversary Celebration!

Hard to believe a year ago we started with the first Yoga Sanga Magazine issue! It has been a great experience to meet great yogis and yoginis commited to their practice and to share what Yoga is about in a deeper sense with the community.

To all those who have written for us, given us an interview or supported the magazine, we thank you so very much!

To celebrate our first anniversary we invited the community in Austin to share with us an evening on a Forum format with the main theme as Yoga & Consciousness.

The speakers gave very interesting and deep reflections related to the theme. We had great food, door giveaways and a very unique Kirtan led by our guest Sant Dharamananda from Wisconsin.

The event was possible because of the generosity of the speakers: Charles MacInerney, Keith Kachtick , Peggy Kelley, Craig Williams, and Sant Dharamananda who came from Wisconsin to celebrate with us. We were so blessed on counting of such great teachers that together have more than 100 years of yoga practice!

Here are some notes from the Forum.

Charles took us into a journey on how life had emerged on Earth and the 200,000 years humans have walked on this planet. He made a point on how technology affect consciousness and the YSF28. Yoga Sanga Magazineexponential rhythm of it that will change our future dramatically. He recommends being mindful and using meditation to accept all the aspects of reality.

Keith used the second sutra of Patanjali's fist book "Yogah cittavritti nirodhah" to make us realize that when we meditate is not much to quiet the mind but at first is the recognition of the mental mechanisms that the mind operates with, with time and practice the awareness will expand to understand Consciousness in a more expanding way.

Peggy used Patanjali's Yoga Sutras to remind us the goal of Yoga, that goes beyond the physical twists and turns of the Asanas. Those poses at the end will prepare the body to explore subtle areas of our being.

YSA17-150x150Craig Williams talked about the western civilization proclivity to commodify everything, including yoga. As an ayurvedic practitioner, he uses this ancient healing science and sister of yoga along with Vedic astrology to help the body open its recuperative healing qualities. All the spiritual practices help to bring our awareness back to what is internal and never dying, our spirit.He invited us to turn inside and to remember who we really are.

Sant Dharamananda talked about the Bhagavad Gita and how Hatha Yoga, Yoga of Knowledge, and Dhyana (meditation)are tools to recognize who we really are. He mentioned that we are spiritual beings trying to live a human life. When we realized that and act in accordance to life, we will ys Forum30become the butterfly we really are.

After enjoying some great food from Chola Indian Restaurant in Round Rock, we all enjoy a wonderful Kirtan led by Sant Dharamananda accompanied by Mark and Gloria Uridel.

Thank y'all for making this a wonderful evening!!!

Rocio Morales

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